ADA Compliance & Upgrades - Services

General Nutrition Resources

We increase health by increasing our knowledge of nutrition, which motivates healthier dietary practices.

Because the ultimate goal of chiropractic care is to achieve a complete picture of optimal health and wellness, we encourage patients to increase their awareness of healthful practices when it comes to diet and nutrition. Indeed, the origins of many negative health conditions lie in diet and nutrition. Identifying harmful foods, correcting deficiencies and detoxifying the body can help the body record from pain and injury and help achieve strength and balance.

Dr. Andrew Weil – Your Trusted Health Advisor

The premier resource for timely, trustworthy information on natural health and wellness, based on the insights of Andrew Weil, M.D, a world-renowned author and teacher on holistic health and natural medicine. Weil is a proponent of a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables and regular consumption of fish.

Dr. Andrew Weil Your Trusted Health Advisor

Dr. Schulze - Alternative and Natural Healing

Dr. Schulze's "powerful health" natural herbal formulas offer an alternative to Western medicine , doctors, hospitals, surgery and pharmaceutical drugs to treat chronic diseases. It's called "health". It allows every American an option to live life to their fullest potential.

Dr. Schulze - Alternative and Natural Healing

Dr. Dean Ornish – The Spectrum

The Ornish Spectrum is a simple and proven program that delivers powerful results. Designed by Dr. Dean Ornish, the Spectrum helps you make healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes in what you eat, how you respond to stress, how much activity you have, and how much love and support you have in your life.

Dr. Dean Ornish The Spectrum

John Robbins – Diet for a New America

The official website of social activist and humanitarian John Robbins, author of "Diet for a New America". You’ll find information about John Robbins’ newest books and resources to help you make life choices that enhance your health, nourish your body and spirit, and make the most of each stage in your life’s journey.

John Robbins Diet for a New America

David Wolfe – Natural Health / Natural Beauty

Author and health guru David Wolfe is considered by peers to be one of the world's leading authorities on nutrition. David works to develop, market and distribute some of the world's most wonderful and exotic organic food items. He is the first to bring raw and organic "super foods" like cacao nibs and goji berries into general distribution in America.

David Wolfe Natural Health / Natural Beauty

T. Colin Campbell Foundation

For more than forty years, Dr. T. Colin Campbell has been at the forefront of nutrition research. His legacy, the China Project, is the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. The Foundation's mission is to provide public education about the health benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet.

T. Colin Campbell Foundation

Gary Null – Power Health / Power Foods

Your source for premium natural health products developed by one of America’s leading authorities on alternative and complementary medicine, healthy living and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D. For over thirty years, Null has been one of the foremost advocates of alternative medicine and natural healing and has authored over 70 books about nutrition and health.

Gary Null Power Health / Power Foods

Rip Esselstyn - The Engine 2 Diet

Rip Esselsyn is a triathlete and ex-firefighter in Austin, Texas, where he introduced his passion for a whole-food, plant-based diet to Austin’s Engine 2 Firehouse. To document his success he wrote the national bestselling book, "The Engine 2 Diet", which shows the irrefutable connection between a plant-based diet and good health.

Rip Esselstyn - The Engine 2 Diet

The China Study Community

Aims to introduce principles of a healthy plant-based lifestyle to the public. It promotes progression, not perfection. It covers plant-based news iand all health- and nutrition-related information in the vegan, vegetarian, and medical communities with the goal of a healthier America that has less illness and fewer preventable deaths from chronic disease.

The China Study Community

Forks Over Knives

A 2011 documentary film that not-so-subtly advocates a low-fat whole foods, plant-based diet as a means of combating a number of diseases (obesity, Cancer and heart disease), suggesting that "most, if not all" degenerative diseases can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting a menu of animal-based and processed foods.

Forks Over Knives

Food Inc.

2008 documentary film examines corporate farming and the industrial production of meat in the US and outlining that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy to consumers, harmful to the environment and abusive of both employees and animals. It concludes that modern industrial farming is both economically and environmentally unattainable.

Food Inc.

Contact Mendoza Chiropractic TODAY

At Mendoza Chiropractic we have earned a reputation for getting you back to health and quickly out of pain. Take the first step toward healing and pain relief by calling 323-254-2881 for a FREE consultation. Our staff is ready to help. Mention our website to receive a special First Visit Promotion. We appreciate you choosing our practice.

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Therapeutic Massage

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